Ignore original text below. The correct method is to amend the /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file with the port e.g.: external_url "https://gitlab.domain.co.uk:8443" nginx = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/pubkey.pem" nginx = "/etc/pki/tls/private/privkey.pem" Then... » More
We recently needed to rebuild a Windows 2008R2 Domain Controller from scratch using the same name as it previously used. So we first needed to remove the existing server details from the Directory using ntdsutil as follows (copied from MS site): 1.... » More
While logged in to a Windows Desktop as a normal domain user (jonny) I wanted to be able to run the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in as a Domain Admin user (adm-jonny) to do so requires using the 'runas' command. When I had first tried... » More
I wanted to test tethered shooting with my Canon EOS 60D. Tethered shooting is useful when you want to see a large view of your captured images while shooting. I had connected the camera to the computer via USB cable - I had to try a few cables before I... » More
Vuze has built-in ability to exclude IP addresses under Options > IP Filters iBlockList.com have many of these lists and the bluetack level 1 list address is: http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_level1&fileformat=p2p&archiveformat=gz This... » More
We had a problem today on CentOS release 6.4 when restarting the bind / named service. We had been receiving the error message: /usr/sbin/named: /usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.10: no version information available (required by /usr/lib64/libdns.so.100) This... » More
An example of narrowing down disk space usage issues on Linux. Starting with the following command: df -h We see that the root volume has 16% space left. Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted... » More
My colleagues have been getting a little frustrated by the "Plugin Timeout" messages in Nagios resulting from the length of time it takes to check for Windows Updates. I had been using Jules Check for Windows Updates that essentially boils down to... » More
The WiFi settings for qub_sec for Android and Linux devices: The certificate is available here and should be downloaded in advance and entered into the field labelled CA Certificate. SSID (wireless network name) = ... » More