There appears to be a few methods for managing a Gitlab installation from the command line. I liked python-gitlab and I installed it onto Linux Mint/Ubuntu as follows: apt-get install python-pip pip install python-gitlab After installation I created a config file: ~/.python-gitlab.cfg With the content as below but the private_token would need changed for your… Read more »
Posts Categorized: foss
Environment Modules
Environment Modules allow for management of environment variables when using multiple compilers, multiple libraries, or even versions of applications that you might need to run. Rather than change $PATH, $LD_LIBRARY_LOAD, or $MANPATH for each you can use Environment Modules to handle the path changes to ensure you run the appropriate version correctly. Installation On CentOS… Read more »
Filezilla is Dead – Killed by Malware
With a heavy heart I can no longer recommend FileZilla.For years I had pointed users to Filezilla for several reasons including availability on multiple platforms and support for FTPS. I have now been informed that Windows users who download FileZilla via Sourceforge are getting an installer that tries to install crapware. Filezilla are aware of… Read more »
Linux Voice Magazine with my name in it!

Linux Voice magazine Issue Number 1 arrived today: and my name as a ‘Founder’ from the IndieGogo campaign appears on page 111. Apparently I’m awesome.
If at first you can’t compete, sue, sue again
“It is further evidence of the fact that Android is getting ever huger. Microsoft has failed in attracting any serious interest from device makers, and now it’s trying to spread ‘fear, uncertainty, and doubt’ about the Android platform in an attempt to mafia device makers into paying protection money to Microsoft – protection money which… Read more »