So I ordered a FIDO U2F Security Key from a French company 'Plug-Up' to have a little play. It is used in 2-factor authentication so when logging in to a service you first enter your username and password and if correct your are prompted for your... » More
Environment Modules allow for management of environment variables when using multiple compilers, multiple libraries, or even versions of applications that you might need to run. Rather than change $PATH, $LD_LIBRARY_LOAD, or $MANPATH for each you can... » More
I was asked by a relative if a live video stream could be saved for later viewing. I found the (m3u8) address for the live video stream by right-clicking the link on the website and used this in VLC. VLC is freedom software available from the VLC... » More
A few notes for future reference. I am playing with a power distribution unit from Server Technology - Model CW-16VE-P32M Initially to configure the device I plugged both the Cabinet Distribution Unit (CDU) unit and a laptop into a switch, setting... » More
I wanted to automatically deploy a web project when any updates are pushed to the gitlab repository. To do so I added a 'Web Hook'. The Web Hook calls a URL in response to 'push' events. I created a PHP page to be called by the Web Hook: So in... » More
To check the size and amount of Huge Pages use: grep -i Hugepage /proc/meminfo This should so something like: HugePages_Total: 0 HugePages_Free: 0 HugePages_Rsvd: 0 HugePages_Surp: ... » More
With a heavy heart I can no longer recommend FileZilla.For years I had pointed users to Filezilla for several reasons including availability on multiple platforms and support for FTPS. I have now been informed that Windows users who download FileZilla... » More
I have obviously messed something up with my PAM configuration and received the following error message: # crontab -l Permission denied You (root) are not allowed to access to (crontab) because of pam configuration. To get around this I amended the... » More