Arduino Serial Port Menu Greyed Out

On Linux Mint (Ubuntu) I had installed the Arduino IDE from the repository and that had installed version 1.0.5. Despite setting the permissions on the Arduino USB device, the 'Serial Port' option in the IDE menu was greyed out and would not allow for... » More

Resetting Drained Slurm Node

After barking up the wrong tree for a while I discovered via StackExchange how to reset a Slurm Node reporting as drained. Run the scontrol command then update the node as shown in the following example commands (amend the word jacob here to the name... » More

Apache: unable to open logs

In the annals of "Everyday is a learning day". I have an Apache server hosting student websites, and the number of websites grew to over 700 within a day and Apache was complaining with error: unable to open logs It took a little while to narrow down... » More

Customise the Unity Launcher from Command Line

I am rolling out some Linux desktops, specifically Ubuntu, and I wanted to customize the icons available in the Unity Launcher. I wanted to remove the LibreOffce Calc and Impress icons and the darned 'Amazon' one, so: Create a new gschema override... » More

Locating Excessive Inode Usage

The command to list the directories using the most inodes is: find . -printf "%h\n" | cut -d/ -f-2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn However, I first needed to narrow down the directory under root that might be causing the problem: df -i showed that the... » More