Mount Files Virtually via Dell iDRAC

Use fallocate to create a new 300 MB file : fallocate -l 300M disk_image.img Create an ext4 file system within the image file: mkfs.ext4 disk_image.img Create a mount point: mkdir /mnt/disk_image mount it: mount -t auto -o loop disk_image.img... » More

Docker jasonrivers/nagios Permissions Problem

I was running this docker image proxied via traefik but I was receiving an error message in the Nagios web interface: docker nagios Error: Could not read object configuration data And in the logs from the container: container_name | Warning: File... » More

Dell racadm on Linux

I'm currently using Linux Mint and wanted to communicate with the iDRAC interfaces on Dell servers. Install racadm: sudo echo 'deb xenial openmanage' | sudo tee -a... » More

Command Line Optimise JPEG image

This command significantly improved file size on disk although the quality value can be increased to adjust the image quality versus file size: convert input-file.jpeg -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 60 -interlace JPEG -colorspace RGB... » More

Cropping / Masking a Video for Kdenlive

I was helping a friend with creating a video and we need to mask out the distracting content around the video subject. If I had this problem with a static image I would use Gimp and the 'Crop' tool but I couldn't find anything in Kdenlive to allow me to... » More

Managing RDP Remote Desktop Sessions/Users

RDP Session Manager It took me a little digging to re-discover the name of this tool that allows remotely logging RDP users off from other servers so I thought I would write it down in case I need a reminder. The command to run is: tsadmin.msc Or it can be added... » More

Laravel Quick Start

Quick reminder of steps to setup a Laravel project on Ubuntu/Linux Mint and similar. First install composer: sudo apt install composer Install PHP dependencies: sudo... » More