Using CentOS 7 this problem arose after a reboot and NFS shares would not mount. Trying to start the rpcbind service: systemctl start rpcbind gave the following error message via jounralctl -xe : rpcbind.socket failed to listen on sockets: Address... » More
Use fallocate to create a new 300 MB file : fallocate -l 300M disk_image.img Create an ext4 file system within the image file: mkfs.ext4 disk_image.img Create a mount point: mkdir /mnt/disk_image mount it: mount -t auto -o loop disk_image.img... » More
I was running this docker image proxied via traefik but I was receiving an error message in the Nagios web interface: docker nagios Error: Could not read object configuration data And in the logs from the container: container_name | Warning: File... » More
On a Dell server I needed to determine the physical hard drive location for a faulty disk. Within the operating system the disk was mounted as /dev/sdk so I ran: udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/sdk And from the output I could correlate this with... » More
I'm currently using Linux Mint and wanted to communicate with the iDRAC interfaces on Dell servers. Install racadm: sudo echo 'deb xenial openmanage' | sudo tee -a... » More
This command significantly improved file size on disk although the quality value can be increased to adjust the image quality versus file size: convert input-file.jpeg -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 60 -interlace JPEG -colorspace RGB... » More
I was helping a friend with creating a video and we need to mask out the distracting content around the video subject. If I had this problem with a static image I would use Gimp and the 'Crop' tool but I couldn't find anything in Kdenlive to allow me to... » More
It took me a little digging to re-discover the name of this tool that allows remotely logging RDP users off from other servers so I thought I would write it down in case I need a reminder. The command to run is: tsadmin.msc Or it can be added... » More
Quick reminder of steps to setup a Laravel project on Ubuntu/Linux Mint and similar. First install composer: sudo apt install composer Install PHP dependencies: sudo... » More
Using Red Hat / CentOS etc one method of resetting the root user password is to boot into single user mode. To do so, interrupt the booting process if necessary so that you see the Grub boot menu: Press the 'e' keyboard button to edit the boot... » More