Posts Categorized: mysql

Install MariaDB on MacOSX

Using brew to install MariaDB: To manage the service use ‘brew services’ e.g Notice that the install ran the following: So connect to MariaDB as your Mac user e.g. I used my mac user password. Or just with the mysql command e.g.

Resetting MySQL root password on newer MySQL 5.7

In newer versions of MySQL it looks like the ‘Password’ field has been replaced with the ‘authentication_string’ field so older instructions online may not work. Stop the currently running MySQL service: systemctl stop mysql Start mysql skipping permissions tables: mysqld_safe –skip-grant-tables Then in another terminal run the mysql client: mysql Then the following SQL: UPDATE… Read more »

MySQL Percona Slave Replication Change Channel Name

I had inadvertently set up slave replication using the wrong channel name – which is a minor issue except that it caused some issues with an already configured Nagios check. To ‘change’ the channel name I stopped the slave process, removed all the slave definitions and used ‘CHANGE MASTER’ to re-create the slave from the… Read more »

Password-less Login to the MySQL Command Line

The goal here was to be able to log in to the MySQL command prompt be simply typing mysql rather than: mysql -u root -p This is particularly useful for automation of routine backups etc. mysql_config_editor The command mysql_config_editor has several options (e.g. add, remove, print) for managing encrypted passwords. To create a new login… Read more »

Connecting in to Docker MySQL Instance

Just recording a few of these steps for future reference. Pull the MySQL image from the hub: docker pull mysql/mysql-server:latest Run an instance: docker run -it -d -p 33060:3306 –name mysql-for-jonny -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=opensesame -d mysql/mysql-server:latest Run a shell on the instance: docker exec -it mysql-for-jonny /bin/bash Once inside the instance use the MySQL client: mysql… Read more »

MySQL GRANT SELECT on a demo database to all users

MySQL access to all users

I needed to give all students read access to a demo database and did so with: mysql> GRANT SELECT ON gameofthrones.* TO ”@localhost; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)    

MySQL dummy placeholder RPM package for MariaDB

On CentOS 7 MariaDB has (quite rightfully IMHO) replaced MySQL in the repositories however this has caused me a few problems. Since MySQL was so widely used there are other things that have MySQL as a requirement/dependency. Mainly my problem was some puppet modules that wanted the mysql-server package installed before they would proceed with… Read more »

MySQL: Give a User Grant Permissions

I needed to create a new MySQL user that would be able to create new users itself and grant permissions to the accounts that it creates. To do so I used the following: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘subadmin’@’%’ WITH GRANT OPTION;    

Beginning PostgreSQL

As a MySQL user for a number of years I needed a translation tutorial from MySQL to PostgreSQL. So to get started on CentOS: Installation yum install postgresql-server If you also want the phpPgAdmin WUI: yum install phpPgAdmin php-pgsql httpd Create the configuration file and initialise the database: cp /usr/share/pgsql/postgresql.conf.sample /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf /etc/init.d/postgresql initdb Make changes… Read more »

LAMP Performance

The following scripts can help in determining good values for Apache and MySQL configurations based on the amount of memory available: MySQL Tuner Apache Tuner Apache Buddy The following will giveĀ  a list of Apache Modules loaded: apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES The following will give the memory usage of Apache: #!/bin/sh # # Calculate… Read more »