Introduction Just adding my notes here in case it helps anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation to me.I have two machines each with an Intel Xeon Phi Co-Processor board. This (in my basic view of the world) is like an extra machine... » More
I had a bunch of emails sent from one of my own automated notification systems that I wanted to remove from Gmail. Doing a search in Gmail showed the first batch of 50 emails but the key to removing them all in one go is when ticking the 'Select All'... » More
Just thought I would record a few notes/thoughts on my recent solar installation in case I need to illustrate it to anyone I know. For the solar photovoltaic (PV) panels there was two choices: Sharp (Japanese) or SolarWorld (German) panels. According... » More
I wanted to breath a little new life into a Galaxy Tab 2 (model P3110) that was about 18 months old, so dusting it off I followed the instructions on the CyanogenMod wiki. Roughly the steps were as follows: I downloaded and installed the Heimdall... » More
Installing likwid is easy (using ./configure, make, make install) however I wanted to create an RPM package to allow for repeatable builds and installation across a number of nodes/machines. With the 'Development Tools' package installed I started... » More
On CentOS 7 MariaDB has (quite rightfully IMHO) replaced MySQL in the repositories however this has caused me a few problems. Since MySQL was so widely used there are other things that have MySQL as a requirement/dependency. Mainly my problem was some... » More
I wanted to set up a local repository for DEB packages I create to be installed among a number of cluster nodes. After building the deb package I added it to my home folder as follows and created the Packages.gz file: apt-get install dpkg-dev mkdir -p... » More
An update to a plugin was causing me problems so I did not want to update the plugin until a fix was released. To exclude the plugin (or a theme) from notifying that there is an update I performed the following (dirty) hack. Just remember to fix... » More
Using CentOS 6 I installed Nginx with: yum install nginx and amended the config file for the default website i.e. vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf With the following content: upstream backend_st { server; } server { listen... » More
Normally to check the disk usage of directories on a linux system I would run: du -sh * However, occasionally I want to exclude particular directories that take a long time to check and/or that I am not interested in anyway. The example below run from... » More