Password-less Login to the MySQL Command Line

The goal here was to be able to log in to the MySQL command prompt be simply typing mysql rather than: mysql -u root -p This is particularly useful for automation of routine backups etc. mysql_config_editor The command mysql_config_editor has... » More

Connecting in to Docker MySQL Instance

Just recording a few of these steps for future reference. Pull the MySQL image from the hub: docker pull mysql/mysql-server:latest Run an instance: docker run -it -d -p 33060:3306 --name mysql-for-jonny -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=opensesame -d... » More

Gitlab Bulk Update can_create_group

I had been allowing normal users to create groups within Gitlab but subsequently discovered some confusion among users between groups and projects. Some users had been creating a group with a single project when a project with multiple members was more... » More

Minecraft Overviewer

Minecraft Overviewer Just some instructions to remind myself how I got the Minecraft Overviewer working on CentOS. wget yum install overviewer-0.12.109.rpm VERSION=1.9 wget... » More

Gitlab API Command Line Access

There appears to be a few methods for managing a Gitlab installation from the command line. I liked python-gitlab and I installed it onto Linux Mint/Ubuntu as follows: apt-get install python-pip pip install python-gitlab After installation I created a... » More

Restoring a Gitlab Bundle

I had an odd request today from a guy who had deleted his GitLab project and his local repos. I had been making backups using: gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create and sifting through the backups under /var/opt/gitlab/backups/  I extracted the latest tar... » More

Batch Auto-Levels on Images

I had a thousand image files the kids had photographed when creating a stop motion video. An 'auto-levels' on many of the images was required to brighten them up so at the command line I used the following (with ImageMagick already installed of... » More

Customise Yakuake Tabs On Start

Yakuake I've been recommending the slide-down terminal Yakuake to people for some time now and I couldn't live without it myself. Although I use Cinnamon as a desktop I much prefer Yakuake over Guake and can live with the extra RAM usage of the KDE... » More