Partition table entries are not in disk order

A friend contacted me with a problem booting into Windows. I asked him to boot into Ubuntu and this is what we found. Gparted reported the disk as 'unallocated' and 'Cannot have overlapping partitions' an 'fdisk -l' told me 'Partition table entries are... » More

Using Sed to convert Mac Address

I have output from a router (but I believe modem output may be similar) with mac addresses in the format: 0050.56AC.4022 Four digit blocks separated by dots but I needed it in the format of 2 digit blocks separated by colons. My router output was lines... » More

Install PEAR modules on CentOS

Pear is used to fetch and install additional PHP packages from the Pear project. To use on CentOS first install Pear so we can run the pear binary: yum install php-pear Now pear is installed we can install the Net_MAC package - which can be used to... » More

Windows Permissions

After restoring files from a backup on Windows 2008 I was receiving the message: "unable to display current owner". To recursively change the owner on the folders right-click on the Command Prompt and choose "Run asĀ  Administrator" then use the... » More

Windows 7 ATI Mobility Radeon 1600

So my laptop graphics card is legacy! And on a Windows 7 install the graphics were poor - not sure whether to blame AMD or Microsoft because it was all very smooth under Ubuntu 12.04. Anyway to allow the install of Vista drivers the Mobility Modder... » More

BIND Convert Slave Raw Format

In Bind v9.9.0 the default option for zone file format on a slave is a raw binary format. For troubleshooting these can be converted back to text using named-compilezone. An example is shown below: /usr/sbin/named-compilezone -f raw -F text -o... » More

WordPress Galleries

The quick way to add Galleries to WordPress is illustrated below: First create a new Page (with the Gallery page as a parent if necessary) Click the Upload/Insert icon above the WYSIWYG editor Click the 'Select Files' button and locate the... » More

Web Screenshots with Xvfb and Khtml2Png2

To get that headless Linux server capturing screenshots of web pages we need: Xvfb e.g. apt-get install xvfb Khtml2png2 (and dependencies) After installation of the above the steps are below and I wrapped it up into a PHP script which also did... » More