Radius Moving IP Address

When moving a radius service from one machine to another I had to do the following: On the first machine bring down the IP address: ifconfig eth0 down On the new machine, create a file for the new IP address: vi... » More

Bind DNS entry with and without “www”

I needed to configure Bind today to use www.nicedomain.com and nicedomain.com (without the www) and I managed it adding the following into the zone file: @       IN              A      ... » More

Windows Server 2008 Gotchas

 Install SNMP Service Under Server Manager choose 'Add Features'. Add the SNMP Service (and telnet client too if you're interested). Configure the SNMP strings from Administrative Tools > Services. Right-click on the SNMP service and choose... » More

Winsxs Folder Size on Windows 2008

Disk Usage Analyser Winsxs Folder Fast running out of space on a Windows 2008 server. The problem folder was c:\Windows\system32\winsxs at 14.2 GB usage. The following clean-up command should help by removing service-pack packages which have been superseded: DISM.exe /online... » More

Wii WBFS on Ubuntu

QWBFS WBFS Manager on Ubuntu Linux On Ubuntu 12.10 I had been using WBFS Manager but I had a .wbfs file that was not recognised. I tried Wii Backup Fusion but got the following error message in the log tab: (Fri Nov 9 19:26:32 2012) Wii Backup Fusion 1.1 started. Wiimms ISO Tool not... » More

LiveCD to Reset Windows Administrator Account

live cd reset administrator account windows Download Ultimate Boot CD and burn it to a CD or USB thumb drive. Boot the machine from UBCD and from the menu choose: HDD Data Recovery Offline NT Password & Registry Editor Follow the steps... » More

Ubuntu Disk Space Issue

I had a problem today with running out of space on my Ubuntu desktop that I rarely reboot. After running: du -a | sort -nr | head Within my home directory I could see that the file holding xsession-errors was the problem. This file had grown to... » More

Keeping Services Alive with Monit

On CentOS install monit as follows: yum install monit Make sure it starts automatically: /sbin/chkconfig --levels 235 monit on The main configuration file is at /etc/monit.conf but this file loads in any files under /etc/monit.d which is... » More

Page Speed Techniques

I've been playing around with the valuable feedback from  Google Page Speed analysis and have managed to significantly improve the scores on some of my websites. For future reference I have made some notes below. Image Optimisation It is possible to... » More

Monitoring Child Internet Use on Ubuntu

So I wanted to keep an eye on what my daughter was up to on facebook etc. In addition to using OpenDNS and the Nanny parental control software in the Ubuntu Software Center I would like to use DansGuardian but that might take a little more time. One... » More