Ubuntu Background NASA Image of the Day

I just used the Python script located here and created getnasa.py in my home directory. I made it executable and added it to my System > Preferences > Startup  Applications. Now I have a nice new NASA space image refreshed each day!  

Camlough Lake Swim

A target for the same swim next year 1.75km as the crow flies but more like 2km: 28. Jonny McCullagh: 42.40

WordPress Upgrades and LDAPS

I have a WordPress installation which uses LDAP against Active Directory to authenticate users. I upgraded PHP to version 5.3.8 from version 5.1.6 (using the Atomic Repository) and also upgraded WordPress and the LDAP plugin. I'm not sure which upgrade... » More

Watercolor Action for Photoshop

I had been asked to create some watercolour versions of my holiday photos so I created the following action file for Photoshop (CS2). What does the action do? Creates 3 new dupliacte layers Layer 1 - Filter > Artistic > Cutout (with... » More

Changing the hostname in CentOS

Background: I made a tar backup of one system and wanted to untar that onto different hardware. A bit like cloning. However I needed to make sure the hostname and network settings were those of the new machine and not the cloned machine. So for future... » More

Zero Filling a Disk in Linux

The simple way to wipe or zerofill a disk is: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd? bs=1M However I found an article describing how to zero-fill with a progress indicator using pipebench, installed on Debian/Ubuntu with: sudo apt-get install pipebench then... » More

GDL: Taking It Further

Quick Reference Good PDF introduction to the GDL language. Libraries Hunting around the web there are people producing extra libraries which can be downloaded : NASA IDL Astronomy Libraries SDSSIDL - a set of general IDL utilities for... » More

GDL: Beginner Code Examples

The Gnu Data Language is an interactive interpreter/incremental compiler for the GNU Data Language, which is primarily used in scientific, astronomical, medical and geo-science data processing applications. It supports graphical output and is... » More