I was trying to check performance on some local DNS servers in comparison to some public DNS servers so I started with using Dig to check the response times between a local DNS server (blurred out below) and one of the Google DNS servers. I first... » More
I decided to experiment with creating a central database to hold the IP addresses banned by various servers / honeypots running Fail2Ban - so that the information could be used as a source for IPtables or TCPWrappers to protect other servers. I... » More
I downloaded the minecraft server package and extracted it to /opt/minecraft I installed screen and Java (OpenJDK) using yum as follows: yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk screen The SysV init startup scripts provided on the Wiki didn't work for me... » More
My Google Drive (Google Docs) was a mess with outdated documents and a poor folder structure so I decided to start afresh by deleting everything and building a tidier folder structure. Deleting everything presents a little problem and in steps Google... » More
Having just purchased Minecraft I tried running it on Ubuntu but after logging in all I had was a black screen. Running the file in a terminal (java -jar minecraft.jar) showed me the error message was to do with libjawt.so so I ran: locate... » More
I now have my Raspberry Pi hanging off my router - just two cables - a USB cable to the USB port on the router for power and one ethernet cable. 1. Static IP Address I edited the file: /etc/network/interfaces replacing: iface eth0 inet... » More
Like a virtual machine for running a version of Android, the Android emulator is useful for testing. I used it to check how websites looked under Android. After installing the Android SDK run the ./android binary in the 'tools' directory and install... » More
I wanted to record a streamed video on Ubuntu 12.10 from a web page that did not offer a download facility. This could be useful if you needed to record a video not offered for download, for example from websites such as BBC iPlayer, ITV Player, RTE... » More