Posts By: jonny

CentOS 8 munin-node needs PowerTools

I had the following error installing munin-node on a new CentOS 8 system: Depsolve Error occured: Problem: package munin-node-2.0.54-2.el8.noarch requires perl(Net::SNMP), but none of the providers can be installed\n – conflicting requests – nothing provides perl(Digest::SHA1) >= 1.02 needed by perl-Net-SNMP-6.0.1-25.el8.1.noarch Solution is to enable the repo CentOS-PowerTools sed -i ‘/enabled=0/enabled=1/’ /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-PowerTools.repo

Gitlab API and Python

To start, create a config file with your Gitlab personal token: vi ~/.python-gitlab.cfg With contents similar to below: [global] default = gitlab ssl_verify = true timeout = 5 [gitlab] url = private_token = 1234ABCD1234ABCD api_version = 4 next create a directory and a python virtualenv: bashmkdir ./code/python/testpython3 -m venv envsource env/bin/activatepip3 install requests python-gitlab… Read more »

Chef Beginner First Cookbook

I wanted to play around with Chef locally for testing pulling encrypted variables from data bags. Prerequisites ChefDK (includes chef-solo) Encryption Create a Cookbook: chef generate cookbook “firstcookbook” Data Bags Create the encryption key for encrypting data bag items: openssl rand -base64 512 > ~/.chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret Create a local data bag: knife data bag create ssh-private-keys… Read more »

Chef Knife List Nodes with IPs

I had to fiddle a bit with this so possibly worth keeping a note of it. I wanted to pull all the node hostnames and ip addresses from chef for use in hostname lookups and ssh config.

Resetting MySQL root password on newer MySQL 5.7

In newer versions of MySQL it looks like the ‘Password’ field has been replaced with the ‘authentication_string’ field so older instructions online may not work. Stop the currently running MySQL service: systemctl stop mysql Start mysql skipping permissions tables: mysqld_safe –skip-grant-tables Then in another terminal run the mysql client: mysql Then the following SQL: UPDATE… Read more »

LHT65 setup and UART Serial Connection

I wired a CP2102 USB to TTL Serial Converter to the LHT65 UART connector – see images below: Then on the linux command line ran: dmesg | tail to check the device name that was added by the system. I then connected to that serial device using screen: sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 If you type you… Read more »

Proxmox: adding internal private nework

In this scenario I wanted to be able to run several VMs that can communicate with each other on a private subnet e.g. 10.10.10.* and also be access the internet for updates etc. Eventually I want to expose some of the internal services. My proxmox server has one network interface with an internet facing IP… Read more »

SELinux: Create Policy for NRPE Writing

Had a problem with Nagios/NRPE checks that are configured to write a status file as part of their check. The path /var/logstate was the target created the policy below. Andrew (Urban Penguin) Youtube video is an excellent resource. Install selinux utilities: yum install policycoreutils policycoreutils-devel setools-console setroubleshoot The audit log (/var/log/audit/audit.log) was showing the type=AVC… Read more »