Posts By: jonny

Laravel Passport Oauth

With a basic CRUD Laravel app containing API routes I wanted to protect the API behind Oauth. So I followed the instructions on the Laravel documentation and a great video by Andre Madarang on Youtube. After following the steps of requiring passport in composer, migrating and adding the routes I was testing the oauth endpoints… Read more »

Rename Files with Python

Simple wee python script for renaming files in a directory. I had a bunch of mp4 files that had a reference code at the end rather than the front so renaming to put the reference code at the front would keep them in order e.g. myfile-m6-03.mp4 to become 6-03-myfile-m6-03.mp4 #!/usr/bin/env python from os import rename… Read more »

Offline PluralSight Videos

I wanted to watch a PluralSight course while on a flight without internet access. This might well be against the PluralSight terms and conditions so I don’t recommend doing this. I used a recent version of youtube-dl and used a recent version of python via conda: conda create -n python37 python=3.7 anaconda conda env listconda… Read more »

Installing Vault with Zookeeper

Hashicorp Vault supports several backends for secret storage. I was creating a test Vault to play with PKI certificate generation and started with installing Zookeeper After download the Vault binary and extracting it to /usr/local/sbin/vault, I created a config file at /etc/vault/config.hcl vi /etc/vault/config.hcl storage “zookeeper” { address = “” path = “vault/” }listener “tcp”… Read more »

Terraform with VMWare

I didn’t find much in the way of examples online for using Terraform against VMWare. So here is the .tf config that worked for me: provider “vsphere” { user = “jonny@dev” password = “CHANGEME!” vsphere_server = “” allow_unverified_ssl = true }data “vsphere_datacenter” “dc” { name = “ESX Lab” }data “vsphere_datastore” “datastore” { name = “netapp002-svm001-vmaggr01-datastore001″… Read more »

Apply Export Policy on NetApp 9.1

There have been some changes to the NetApp menu and it took me a few minutes to find the location to apply export policies to a volume. It is currently (version 9.1) found under the ‘Junction Paths’ menu tab for the SVM. The ‘Export Policies’ are defined under the specific SVM:

Minecraft Spigot Server on CentOS 7

I’m just recording some notes here on the steps I took to run a Minecraft (Spigot) server on a CentOS 7 server. Install Pre-requisites yum install git python-twisted-core python-psutil python-urwid python-twisted-web screen Get Java You could try using OpenJDK with yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk Or visit the Oracle website agree to the license agreement and download the jdk-8u131-linux-x64.rpm file. Copy that file to your… Read more »

Hostname Completion


Courtesy of Pete in work. To enable hostname auto completion in Bash, do the following: dig pop @dns.server.tld axfr | awk ‘$4 ~ /\yA\y/ && gsub(/.$/,””,$1) {print $1}’ > ~/.hosts If you would prefer to filter out hosts e.g. dev and swi, change awk to: awk ‘$4 ~ /\yA\y/ && ! /dev/ && ! /swi/… Read more »

Changing Dell iDRAC Password with racadm


The default user and password combination for a Dell iDRAC interface is root / calvin It can be manually reset when logging in to the web interface but when doing many machines at once and many actions at the same time the racadm tool is handy. To change the password use: racadm -r -u… Read more »

Querying Zookeeper from Python

Install the prerequisites. Below works for Debian-based distros such as Ubuntu/Mint: apt-get install libzookeeper-mt-dev Install python libraries: pip install zkpython pykeeper Example code below shows making a connection, getting the names of some child nodes and pulling info from each of those child nodes: import pykeeper import json client = pykeeper.ZooKeeper(‘’) client.connect() coords = client.get_children(‘/druid/coordinator/_COORDINATOR’)… Read more »