Ubuntu 12.04 QUB Wireless

Using Ubuntu 12.04 on QUB Wifi poses a few problems as there is a bug (bug report) in the version of libssl shipped with 12.04. To resolve the issue you need to downgrade the version of libssl If you follow the instructions from comment #37 on that... » More

Clogherhead Triathlon

Times for my first triathlon: Swim=14:21 T1=1:47 Cycle=41:26 T2=0:39 Run=25:27 246 Jonny Mccullagh 01:23:44 Ages 35 - 39 49 205 00:14:21 00:01:47 00:41:26 00:00:39 00:25:27 So I came in roughy 246th overall of 360. My swim... » More

Inman Aligner Ireland

Dentist Andy Wallace has launched a new website for cost-effective teeth alignment services he provides: Inman Aligner Ireland.

Richard M. Stallman Belfast 2012

Richard M. Stallman spoke last night for almost 3 hours on the goals and philosophy of the Free Software Movement and the history of the GNU operating system. It has been 6 years since he last spoke in Belfast. He signed my copy of "Free as in Freedom"... » More

Unbranded Android Phones

I noticed some unbranded Android phones on eBay and I have bought two so far. The first one was a 4.3" Android 4.0 with the MTK6575 processor, and the second was a 4.6" Android 4.0 with the dual core MTK6577 processor. I tested the devices using Antutu... » More

OpenVAS Vulnerability Scanner

Installing on CentOS 6.2: Configure Atomicorp Repository (as user root, only once) wget -q -O - http://www.atomicorp.com/installers/atomic |sh Quick-Install OpenVAS (as user root, only once) yum install openvas openvas-setup Openvas-setup takes... » More

Skipfish on CentOS

I'm using CentOS 6.2 and needed to install the following dependencies before Skipfish would 'make': yum install pcre-devel openssl-devel libidn-devel libidn2-devel Some of the errors listed before this included the following: In file included from... » More

Android Tablet: Superpad 8

I purchased an Android Tablet on eBay named the 'Superpad 8' or 'Flytouch 8' so I thought I would post a few thoughts about it for others. A quick search for 'Superpad 8' on eBay or Amazon should get you started. Inevitably any device like this will be... » More

Photoshop CS5 on Linux

Great instructions for installing and running Photoshop CS5 via Wine: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/idiots-guide-installing-photoshop-cs5-ubuntu-1004/    

My Raspberry Pi has Landed

So my Raspberry Pi arrived a few days ago and I have now managed to get it out of the wrapper. After realising that I should have been using an SD card in the dedicated SD Card slot rather than trying to boot from one of the USB ports I was up and... » More