Note quite a tutorial but I have taken my first steps with the WordPress Bones theme. After downloading Bones I extracted bones into the ./wp-content/themes folder. To amend the CSS I edited the files in the ./library/less/ folder. Specifically I edited... » More
I was having difficulty converting an FLV file saved from iPlayer. The command to successfully convert the file was:
ffmpeg -y -i input_video.flv -ar 22050 -b 2048k -f flv output_video.avi
I needed to update the Shop channel to download Netflix, LoveFilm and YouTube channels. After several failed attempts with old instructions for Shopping Channel v20 I obtained Shopping Channel v21 by following the instructions... » More
I wanted to configure the channel numbers on my Samsung LE40C580 but using the remote control on the TV was a bit frustrating. I found that within the TV menu I could export/import the channel list to a USB drive. Changing the file extension to .zip... » More
I am using Ubuntu 12.10 but with Gnome Fallback session rather than Unity. I was testing out Python by creating a little program to notify if the input year was a leap year or not. I found Ninja IDE useful but had to Edit > Preferences and set the... » More
To create a custom keyboard layout for Oolite on Ubuntu: mkdir -p /home/jonny/.Oolite/AddOns chown -R jonny:jonny /home/jonny/.Oolite gedit ~/.Oolite/AddOns/keyconfig.plist Download the Key Config tool extract it, open the web page and... » More
A little script to send a backup file to a remote FTP server: #!/bin/bash HOST='' USER='bak_user' PASSWD='OpEnSeSaMe' TODAY="$(date +"%Y%m%d")" FILENAME=Hostname_$TODAY.tgz cd /var/backup/sched/ ftp -n -v $HOST <<... » More
I wanted a custom IPTables firewall chain to allow SSH access to a machine. The idea is that users hit a web page that adds their dynamic IP address to a list and then a script inserts that IP address into IPTables to allow SSH access. I achieved this... » More
On our Oracle Sun x4150's the Hardware Raid can be checked after installing the StorMan software which is available (as StorMan-6.40.x86_64.rpm) in the software bundle for x4150s available after logging in to the Oralce support website and locating... » More
The following created an SSH tunnel from my local desktop port 8181 to a remote server port 8181 on which Squid was running so I could point my browser to local port 8181 and the web browsing traffic would be sent over an encrypted connection: ssh -f... » More