Pxeboot CentOS Environment

Organised Chaos While re-purposing a few old Google Search Appliances I set up a Network Boot Enviornment as follows: Install Dependencies yum install tftp-server tftp syslinux httpd dhcp Configure tftp mkdir /tftpboot vi /etc/xinetd.d/tftp service... » More

smbclient: Special Characters and UTF-8

I have a PHP web application that communicates to Windows Shares via the smbclient binary. My problem was that some characters (particularly accented characters such as é ) were not being shown on the PHP page and were even causing lines of output to be... » More

CoolerMaster Hyper 212 Evo

coolermaster-hyper-212-evo I ordered a CoolerMaster Hyper 212 Evo from Amazon for £26.50 to keep my machine a little cooler than the stock heat sink. The two heat sinks are shown below. The CoolerMaster is much bigger and could be a struggle to get in to most cases but I am very... » More

WordPress Bulk Actions with WP-CLI

I manage a Wordpress Multi-user environment and needed to bulk add LDAP users (which is already quite easy) and also to bulk create blogs for users - which I couldn't find an easy method for. I started exploring how I could script the creation of this... » More

RSA Security Console Forgotten Admin Password

RSA Security Console My colleague forgot the password he used for the admin user account on the RSA Security Console - since it needs to be changed and a previously used password cannot be re-used. We have it installed on a Windows Server 2008 so to create a temporary admin... » More


TLS SMTP connection To prepare to test a TLS connection to an SMTP server we first need to Base64 encode the Login credentials: perl -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print encode_base64("\000LoginID\000password")' The result of this is: AExvZ2luSUQAcGFzc3dvcmQ= I tried using... » More

Retrieving folder.jpg thumbnails: PHP Script

When using XBMC we usually use the 'Files' menu. The folder icons under 'Files' do not show a preview thumbnail unless there is an image in the folder named 'folder.jpg'. I could manually search for folder images for each movie but decided that would be... » More