Posts By: jonny

PHP Ternary Operator for If Else

These two snippets of PHP perform the same function but the ternary operator takes much less space. Read more great PHP tips at /*** using if / else ***/ if(isset($variable)) { echo $variable; } else { echo ”; } /*** using ternary ***/ echo isset($variable) ? $variable : ”;

VirtualBox: Cloning a VM

My Virtual Machine was named http1 so I cloned the vdi as http2.vdi using the VBoxManage command: VBoxManage clonevdi http1.vdi ../pathtonewlocation/http2.vdi The output was: 0%…10%…20%…30%…40%…50%…60%…70%…80%…90%…100%Clone hard disk created in format ‘VDI’. UUID: 9e65bd30-663e-4bf8-acd2-3120d1f41fec Then create the new Virtual Machine in the VirtualBox GUI: Machine > New On the third step for ‘Virtual Hard Disk’ choose… Read more »

SNMP with Nagios

I thought I would jot down a few notes about today’s adventures with SNMP. Specifically using SNMP with Nagios mostly on Red Hat/CentOS. I have an appliance from a third-party from which I would like to monitor and graph performance. So view this as a beginner howto for future reference. There is good info here… Read more »


1084 days on this internal monitoring machine. Unfortunately I had to take the machine down as I was replacing it.

Linux Find Not Owner

In Linux to find files not owned by user using the ‘find’ command we negate with the exclamation mark so rather than: find . -user jonny we use: find . ! -user jonny Where: find <dir> ! -user <username>

VirtualBox 4.0 on Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick

Add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list deb maverick contrib Then run: wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add –sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.0 After running VirtualBox download the extension pack: wget Visit File > Preferences > ExtensionsClick the icon to add an extension and choose the extension pack you downloaded.

MySQL: Too Many Connections

On a shared server with MySQL and Apache the MySQL server was periodically disallowing connections as there were already too many connections. The default is 150+1 so I added the following to /etc/my.cnf max_connections=200 To increase the maximum number of connections to 200+1