PHP Built-In Web Server

LAMP Development just got a little easier with PHP version 5.4 and the in-built PHP web server. To test a PHP application we can now navigate to the directory on the filesytem: cd ~/websites/ Then run the PHP Web Server: php... » More

Install Logtail on CentOS

I had a munin plugin script that uses the logtail program. Logtail comes with the 'logcheck' package - available in the EPEL repository. To install it make sure you have the EPEL repository installed. If not (for CentOS 6): rpm -ivh... » More

SSH Socks Proxy for Web Browsing Private Network

We were configuring OpenStack on a private 192.168 network and needed to use a web browser to browse to the OpenStack dashboard. The quickest easiest way to do that is by: ssh -D 8888 jonny@sshgateway From the ssh manpage: -D Specifies a local... » More

SSH config for SSH Proxy Hopping

I regularly need to connect to SSH hosts behind a firewall via a single SSH host with SSH access enabled. Since I am connecting to many hosts through this proxy SSH host I can make my life a little easier by adding some entries to my ~/.ssh/config... » More