Removing Old IIS Logs

Simple powershell script to remove old IIS logs (or any other file for that matter).$pathToLogs = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC1";$LogAgeTarget = 183; # Number of days of logs to keep$dteNow = Get-Date    if (Test-Path $pathToLogs){     ... » More

Swap Space Labels

A few issues today with a machine that had been left to boot with its swap space on the SAN. So I wanted to tell the machine to use the swap space on the local disk so I could refer to it in /etc/fstab by its label. So I tried:e2label /dev/sdf3... » More

MySQL Converting ISAM to MyISAM

Some old database tables needed to be converted. This can be done at the mysql command prompt with:ALTER TABLE tbl_name TYPE = MYISAM;Or using the script 'mysql_convert_table_format' which is located in the MySQL bin folder.... » More

Problem Adding Exchange Profile

Setting up the email account for Outlook results in the message: "The action cannot be completed. The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action."The server address I had used had an... » More

Converting Squid Timestamps

I found the following perl snippet here to convert a squid log file into one with readable times:#! /usr/bin/perl -ps/^\d+\.\d+/localtime $&/e;It can be used like this:./ inputfile.txt > outputfile-withhumantime.txt

Reset Lost Joomla Password

To reset a lost Joomla admin user password log in to the MySQL database and set the password field in the jos_users table to:d2064d358136996bd22421584a7cb33e:trd7TvKHx6dMeoMmBVxYmg0vuXEA4199This will allow you to login as admin with a password of secret.... » More

Spamassassin Upgrade to 3.2.4 Problem

We probably don't have a straight-forward spamd configuration so there wasn't much noise out there from other people suffering this same issue so i think it may be peculiar to us.I upgraded from spamassassin 3.2.3 to 3.2.4 but received the following... » More

phpBB3 Lost Administrator Password

If the password for the admin user has been forgotten/lost/whatever.Register on the site as a new user but BEFORE logging in edit the MySQL database table phpbb_users and set the field user_type to 3 (i.e. founder).Then log in and visit the ACP.From the... » More

Sony Ericsson W810i – Adding New Games

Mobile phone downloaded games should be placed into the following folder on the memory card:/MSSMEC/Media files/otherThen back in the phone from the main menu use the Media Album.Browse to the 'other' folder on the card select the .jar file and choose... » More

YouTube Videos stop after 2 seconds

On Ubuntu 8.10 in Firefox with Flash Player 10 YouTube videos were stopping after 2 seconds. I tried a few things like clearing the cache and killing pluseaudio but for some reason disabling the Flash plugin then restarting Firefox and renabling Flash... » More