Centos and Red Hat:/etc/sysconfig/networkNETWORKING=yesNETWORKING_IPV6=noHOSTNAME=myhostGATEWAY= Line:route add default gw
We had a application using version 4 libraries of MySQL to talk to a MySQL 5 database which reported:<br />Error: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientThe temporary solution:SET... » More
On Ubuntu/Debian servers install apticron with:apt-get install apticronThis will run a daily job and send an email with available updates. The email address can be amended in/etc/apitcron/apticron.confQuick, easy and useful!
Opera is a great browser - magic wand, mouse gestures and less memory hungry than Firefox. It's also pretty good on the Wii. Install the .deb from www.opera.com/downloadThen to get flash working:sudo ln -s /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so... » More
Trying a free SSL cert from Comodo and had some difficulties with an error message:The CA certificate does not sign the certificateSo downloaded the following CA... » More
I had a few stumbles when setting up Sophie, so for future reference:v3.05 checking for DllGetClassObject in -lsavi... noHave you downloaded the correct version of Sophos? There are a few versions available (AMD64 etc)v3.0 checking for SAVIsweepFile in... » More
I found that the sweep command would show a file as a virus yet some of these files were still getting through our mail system past Sophie. There wasn't much on the web describing this problem so I am posting here for future reference. In the sophie.savi... » More
Slight problem today with emails stuck in users' outboxes in Outlook and for OWA users their messages were moving to the Drafts folder without being sent. Problem was that a few services on the server hadn't started automatically after an update.... » More