Posts By: jonny

Solaris 11 – Getting Started HowTo

Installing LAMP on Solaris 11

I’m writing this from the perspective of a naive Linux admin so I may not be doing everything right and I certainly don’t address issues such as Zones, ZFS … I just spent a few hours to get some basic services running on an old T2000 box. Installation Downloaded Solaris 11 from Oracle – Text… Read more »

Some Linux LPI 102 Exam Questions

I just passed my Linux LPI 102 exam today and thought I would try to remember a few of the 60 questions in case I ever have to take a refresher – here is about half of them. I can’t remember the wording exactly for these questions so take with a pinch of salt: 1…. Read more »

Manage Multiple WordPress Sites

wordpress Remote

I wanted a quick and cheap method to check multiple WordPress websites to see when they might need updated. I checked one or two solutions and then came across WP Remote Within minutes I had 9 sites defined including the FTP details to make updating the sites much easier. Each WordPress site must have the… Read more »

Solaris: Service Console Commands

Fault finding and clearing at the Service Console the following commands may be useful: To gather info for a service request: sc> showfru sc> showsc sc> showhost sc> showlogs -v sc> showfaults -v sc> consolehistory -v sc> showenvironment To clear faults try the following commands: sc> showfaults -v sc> clearfault [uuid] sc> clearasrdb sc> setsc diag_level min sc> setsc diag_mode normal sc> setsc sc_servicemode true sc> clearereports -y… Read more »

Solaris: Change IP Address

When changing the IP address on a Solaris 10 box edit the hostname and IP address settings in the following files (if present): /etc/hosts /etc/defaultdomain /etc/defaultrouter /etc/hostname.[interface] /etc/inet/hosts /etc/inet/netmasks /etc/inet/ipnodes /etc/nodename After making changes to these files restart networking with: svcadm restart network/physical

WooThemes Artificer Home Button

The Artificer theme from WooThemes by default adds a home icon to the main navigation menu. To remove the icon edit the file: ./includes/theme-functions.php Find the new_nav_menu_items function and comment out the lines that add the home icon button as follows: function new_nav_menu_items($items, $args) { $homelink = ”; if( $args->theme_location == ‘primary-menu’ ) //$homelink =… Read more »

Command Line Wireless Trouble-shooting

I wanted to compare the command line output of a working Wifi connection versus a connection at a location that was giving us trouble. To do so I used Ubuntu (12.10) on a laptop and used the following commands – in a script if necessary. First a configuration file to use with the wpa-supplicant –… Read more »

Replacing Google Reader with Tiny Tiny RSS

I followed the installation instructions on the Tiny Tiny RSS website – downloading and extracting the tar file, importing the SQL into MySQL mysql -u root -pTopSecret –database reader < ./schema/ttrss_schema_mysql.sql Copy the dist config file to config.php and edited it with the database details then visited the URL. I then allowed writing to the… Read more »

DNS Benchmarking

I was trying to check performance on some local DNS servers in comparison to some public DNS servers so I started with using Dig to check  the response times between a local DNS server (blurred out below) and one of the Google DNS servers. I first checked a popular domain name and I noticed that… Read more »