I had a comment on my recent Ntopng article from a user who needed to reset the admin password on ntopng.
Ntopng uses redis as a backend data store. So first check that the redis server is actually running:
netstat -luntap | grep redis
You should get output similar to:
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1565/redis-server
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 1565/redis-server
Test a connection to redis:
redis-cli ping
You should get back:
Then to set the admin user password to topsecret run the following:
redis-cli SET user.admin.password ea847988ba59727dbf4e34ee75726dc3
Ntopng uses md5 password hashes. To generate a different hash use the following:
echo -n "opensesame" | md5sum
nope, on my fedora 20, md5sum of “topsecret” is not ea84…etc.
The example needs to be:
echo -n “opensesame” | md5sum
then it generates the md5 that is needed.
Added to article
Hi there thanks for the lesson.
From this post (http://blog.redbranch.net/2013/11/07/ntopng-on-centos-6/#comment-16502),
I have managed to install ntopng on Centos 6.
But something happened. In the log in page, when i enter username and password admin/admin it does not work. I stuck over here.
I followed this post but still i could not be able to log in NB. Redis server is on and running.
The output from the command echo “mypassword” | md5sum gives something like ea847988ba59727dbf4e34ee75726dc3 – copied only ea847988ba59727dbf4e34ee75726dc3 and use it on the command redis-cli SET user.admin.password ea847988ba59727dbf4e34ee75726dc3 is anthing wrong so far?
Kindly assist
I’m having the same problem as Fadhili, anyone have any suggestions?
Interesting, when I MD5 mypassword, I get d84c7934a7a786d26da3d34d5f7c6c86…must have to do with something in the system…
I have the same problem as Fahill and Daffy. I don’t know why this is happening with ntopng. I’ve done 5 fresh installs to get logins to work, but after several days, logins stop working.
I tried the above commands without any luck. I determined the user account above was not correct by running strings /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb | grep admin which showed a key for ntopng.user.admin.password. I was able to reset the password then by doing
redis-cli SET ntopng.user.admin.password ea847988ba59727dbf4e34ee75726dc3
It should also be noted that ntopng does not allow special characters in the passwords and silently fails. This is how I got locked out of the UI.
Sam, thank you! your response was spot on!
Thanks mate, I’ve used your post in mine here http://nemgeek.blogspot.com /2015/08/ntopng-install-on-debian-sqeeze.html