NTP Daemon

On Ubuntu:Install with:apt-get install ntp-simple ntpdateEdit /etc/ntp.conf and add your ntp servers in the server section e.g.server ntp.domain.tldRestart the service:/etc/init.d/ntp-server restartOn CentOS/Red Hat:Ensure that ntp is installed service... » More

PST Export from Recovery Storage Group

I was hoping for some Export-Mailbox -PSTFolderPath functionality for mailboxes in a database in a recovery storage group but what I ended up doing was: get-mailboxdatabase -identity "ServerName\Recovery Storage Group\Mailbox Database" |... » More

Joomla 1.5 FTP settings

I was receiving the following error:The FTP settings are not valid or your FTP server is not compatible with Joomla!: The function "MKD" failed and stupidly blamed mod_security for the problem (rule 900610 did cause problems so I disabled it... » More

nslookup mx records

$ nslookupDefault Server:  dnsserver.comAddress:> set q=mx> mymailserver.domain.com

Outlook Web Access Light To the Rescue

Microsoft's deliberate feature omissions from OWA Light came to the rescue today when some of our users could not access OWA full during a recent spell were we had to use temporary mailbox databases while we repaired corrupted databases.While normal... » More

Webcam on Ubuntu Just Works : Canyon CNR-WCAM413

I bought this particular webcam Canyon CNR-WCAM413 through Amazon as it was reported to just work on Linux - and it does on Ubuntu 8.04. Thanks to that french guy who laboured away at making drivers for all these devices! Plugged it in, booted up and an... » More

Apache Troubleshooting

Occasionally some requests to web servers cause memory/cpu problems - for the wrong reasons and sometimes the right reasons. I recently had a problem with a Google Search Appliance crawling a Drupal calendar but in hindsight it was probably my own fault... » More

Change Hostname

Great article here.Check current hostname:hostnameChange the hostname in the following files:vi /etc/sysconfig/networkvi /etc/hostsNow run:hostname mynewhostnamerestart networking/etc/init.d/network restart

Forward Root’s Mail

Forwarding the email sent to root on a system to another email address.vi /etc/aliases# Person who should get root's mailroot:   myreal@emailaddress.comThe run:/usr/bin/newaliasesTest it.

OWA Change Password button

OWA allows for changing the AD/domain password but in our case this needed to be disabled as currently password syncronisation back out to the other directories is not possible.EMC > Server Config > Client Access , for each of the Client Access... » More