On Ubuntu:Install with:apt-get install ntp-simple ntpdateEdit /etc/ntp.conf and add your ntp servers in the server section e.g.server ntp.domain.tldRestart the service:/etc/init.d/ntp-server restartOn CentOS/Red Hat:Ensure that ntp is installed service... » More
I was hoping for some Export-Mailbox -PSTFolderPath functionality for mailboxes in a database in a recovery storage group but what I ended up doing was: get-mailboxdatabase -identity "ServerName\Recovery Storage Group\Mailbox Database" |... » More
I was receiving the following error:The FTP settings are not valid or your FTP server is not compatible with Joomla!: The function "MKD" failed and stupidly blamed mod_security for the problem (rule 900610 did cause problems so I disabled it... » More
Microsoft's deliberate feature omissions from OWA Light came to the rescue today when some of our users could not access OWA full during a recent spell were we had to use temporary mailbox databases while we repaired corrupted databases.While normal... » More
I bought this particular webcam Canyon CNR-WCAM413 through Amazon as it was reported to just work on Linux - and it does on Ubuntu 8.04. Thanks to that french guy who laboured away at making drivers for all these devices! Plugged it in, booted up and an... » More
Occasionally some requests to web servers cause memory/cpu problems - for the wrong reasons and sometimes the right reasons. I recently had a problem with a Google Search Appliance crawling a Drupal calendar but in hindsight it was probably my own fault... » More
Great article here.Check current hostname:hostnameChange the hostname in the following files:vi /etc/sysconfig/networkvi /etc/hostsNow run:hostname mynewhostnamerestart networking/etc/init.d/network restart
Forwarding the email sent to root on a system to another email address.vi /etc/aliases# Person who should get root's mailroot: myreal@emailaddress.comThe run:/usr/bin/newaliasesTest it.
OWA allows for changing the AD/domain password but in our case this needed to be disabled as currently password syncronisation back out to the other directories is not possible.EMC > Server Config > Client Access , for each of the Client Access... » More