I am not necessarily a fan of this software as I find it a bit less than intuitive to use but I set it up on one of our CentOS servers for someone else and thought I would jot a few notes about the process. Install dependencies: yum –disablerepo=rpmforge –enablerepo=epel install httpd gdal-perl perl-CGI perl-CGI-Session… Read more »
The article here helped. Download and extract mobilize from: https://github.com/mobilizejs/mobilize.js Run: ./release.py localdeploy=true Copy the files from releases/localdeploy\=true/ to your website directory.
My Google Drive (Google Docs) was a mess with outdated documents and a poor folder structure so I decided to start afresh by deleting everything and building a tidier folder structure. Deleting everything presents a little problem and in steps Google Takeout – part of the Google Data Liberation Front. Google actually make it easy… Read more »
Squid Get a few dependencies to get the ball rolling: yum -y groupinstall “Development Tools” yum -y install rpm-build openjade linuxdoc-tools openldap-devel pam-devel openssl-devel httpd rpm-devel expat-devel db4-devel libpcap-devel Browse http://www.jur-linux.com/rpms/el-updates/5Client/SRPMS/ and find the latest Source RPM for your architecture, then install the sprm e.g. wget http://www.jur-linux.com/rpms/el-updates/5Client/SRPMS/squid-3.1.12-2.el5.src.rpm rpm -ivh squid*.src.rpm This does not actually install… Read more »
Ashtree construct and supply quality affordable show jumps for beginner to advanced levels. Our speciality is mobile easy-to-move cross-country fences built on a one-fits-all removable axle system. We supply jumps at complete height range with delivery nationwide. If you’re after something out of the ordinary talk to us about your requirements for a custom-build.
PamFax offer a service for sending documents and scans to fax numbers worldwide. Paymeny by PayPal which is handy. Linux installers in Deb, Rpm and tarball.
Download the Android SDK: http://developer.android.com/sdk/ Add the Path to the SDK Tools: export PATH=${PATH}:<your_sdk_dir>/tools Run ddms: # ddms Connect your Android device by USB and choose the ‘Sync’ method of connection. Choose your Device from the left menu Then from the ddms menu bar choose Device > Screen Capture
As an extra precaution to protect data in the cloud I set up a free Backupify account which can be configured to make daily/weekly backups of Blogs, Gmail, Google Docs etc. After making backups the individual files/emails can be browsed and downloaded. I imagine that the restore process will only get better. I would at… Read more »