There have been some changes to the NetApp menu and it took me a few minutes to find the location to apply export policies to a volume. It is currently (version 9.1) found under the ‘Junction Paths’ menu tab for the SVM. The ‘Export Policies’ are defined under the specific SVM:
I’m just recording some notes here on the steps I took to run a Minecraft (Spigot) server on a CentOS 7 server. Install Pre-requisites yum install git python-twisted-core python-psutil python-urwid python-twisted-web screen Get Java You could try using OpenJDK with yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk Or visit the Oracle website agree to the license agreement and download the jdk-8u131-linux-x64.rpm file. Copy that file to your… Read more »
The default user and password combination for a Dell iDRAC interface is root / calvin It can be manually reset when logging in to the web interface but when doing many machines at once and many actions at the same time the racadm tool is handy. To change the password use: racadm -r -u… Read more »
In the update from iDRAC 8 to iDRAC 9 it has been infuriating searching the ‘Storage’ menu only to discover that the storage is managed under ‘Configuration > Storage Configuration’ I’m convinced the user experience could be better! At the very least a link through for configuration.
Journald logs can be cleared by timescale or size as follows. Keep only 5 days worth of logs journalctl –vacuum-time=5d Retain only the past 500 MB: journalctl –vacuum-size=500M
Coming at MongoDB from a RDMS perspective (and specifically MySQL), things feel a little strange. Just sharing a few paragraphs on how I got started. Installation Installing MongoDB was easy following their instructions and using the 10gen repo for CentOS. After installation the mongo client can be used to access the server without any authentication… Read more »
On CentOS 7 MariaDB has (quite rightfully IMHO) replaced MySQL in the repositories however this has caused me a few problems. Since MySQL was so widely used there are other things that have MySQL as a requirement/dependency. Mainly my problem was some puppet modules that wanted the mysql-server package installed before they would proceed with… Read more »
I was using the mcrcon utility to retrieve performance statistics from a Minecraft server for use in Nagios: /opt/minecraft/mcrcon -c -H -P 25575 -p “topsecret” list However the output included dodgy unrecognised � characters (see screenshot). To remove these characters from the output I converted with iconv to UTF-8 and was then able to… Read more »
I ordered a CoolerMaster Hyper 212 Evo from Amazon for £26.50 to keep my machine a little cooler than the stock heat sink. The two heat sinks are shown below. The CoolerMaster is much bigger and could be a struggle to get in to most cases but I am very happy with the results. It… Read more »
To prepare to test a TLS connection to an SMTP server we first need to Base64 encode the Login credentials: perl -MMIME::Base64 -e ‘print encode_base64(“\000LoginID\000password”)’ The result of this is: AExvZ2luSUQAcGFzc3dvcmQ= I tried using the base64 linux command but did not get the same result or a result that would work: echo -n “\000LoginID\000password” |… Read more »