Posts Categorized: ubuntu

LPIC in practice: init=/bin/bash


Today I had a problem booting my Ubuntu desktop – with booting stuck on the purple screen. An Alt-1 showed me that there were problems with the disk and a manual fsck should be run. So at the Grub screen I pressed ‘e’ to edit the current entry and on the linux (kernel) line I… Read more »

Simple File Share with Samba

Just making a copy of a /etc/samba/smb.conf file that works for sharing a single directory within a private network. There is no security / privacy just a public share. [global] workgroup = WORKGROUP server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu) dns proxy = no log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 1000 syslog =… Read more »

Installing node.js and the Less Compiler on Ubuntu

I’m on Ubuntu 13.04 on trying to install the less compiler via NPM was troublesome. I was getting an old version of node (0.6.x) when I needed 0.8+ for using NPM. So when I tried the following: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nodejs npm sudo npm install -g less I had… Read more »

Command Line Wireless Trouble-shooting

I wanted to compare the command line output of a working Wifi connection versus a connection at a location that was giving us trouble. To do so I used Ubuntu (12.10) on a laptop and used the following commands – in a script if necessary. First a configuration file to use with the wpa-supplicant –… Read more »

Minecraft Black Screen on Ubuntu 12.10

Having just purchased Minecraft I tried running it on Ubuntu but after logging in all I had was a black screen. Running the  file in a terminal (java -jar minecraft.jar) showed me the error message was to do with so I ran: locate To see if I could find where it is located…. Read more »

Dynamic DNS to Raspberry Pi

I now have my Raspberry Pi hanging off my router – just two cables – a USB cable to the USB port on the router for power and one ethernet cable. 1. Static IP Address I edited the file: /etc/network/interfaces replacing: iface eth0 inet dhcp with iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway… Read more »

Recording Streaming Video with XVidCap

xvidcap video capture of flash video on Ubuntu 12.10

I wanted to record a streamed video on Ubuntu 12.10 from a web page that did not offer a download facility. This could be useful if you needed to record a video not offered for download, for example from websites such as BBC iPlayer, ITV Player, RTE Player, 4OD, Portable North Pole (PNP). I used… Read more »

FFmpeg Convert FLV to AVI

I was having difficulty converting an FLV file saved from iPlayer. The command to successfully convert the file was: ffmpeg -y -i input_video.flv -ar 22050 -b 2048k -f flv output_video.avi

Samsung TV Channel Editing


I wanted to configure the channel numbers on my Samsung LE40C580 but using the remote control on the TV was a bit frustrating. I found that within the TV menu I could export/import the channel list to a USB drive. Changing the file extension to .zip allows extracting the file to view the contents: I discovered… Read more »

Oolite Keyboard Layout Ubuntu

To create a custom keyboard layout for Oolite on Ubuntu: mkdir -p /home/jonny/.Oolite/AddOns chown -R jonny:jonny /home/jonny/.Oolite gedit ~/.Oolite/AddOns/keyconfig.plist Download the Key Config tool extract it, open the web page and generate the keyboard layout you want. Paste the output into the ~/.Oolite/AddOns/keyconfig.plist file. For reference the default keyboard layout file is at: /usr/lib/GNUstep/System/Applications/