Posts By: jonny

CentOS 7 as NAT Gateway for Private Network

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The scenario is a small private network connected via a switch and using 192.168.0.* addresses. One of the machines (let’s call it RTR001) on the network has two network interface cards. One with an address on the 192.168.0.* network and another providing wider network (& internet) access on a 123.111.123.* network. This machine (RTR001) will… Read more »

Screen Annotation on Linux

I was testing a HP EliteBook 2730p with Linux Mint 17.2. The laptop/netbook/tablet comes with a touchscreen and stylus. USB booting did not work for me but I was able to network/pxeboot an installation. When it came to drawing on the touchscreen I was able to get up and running after installing Gromit i.e. sudo… Read more »

Migrating from SVN to GIT with Branches and Tags

git branch

I needed to convert a number of small subversion repositories to git so that they could be hosted publicly on GitHub and some hosted on our private GitLab service. I am adding a few notes here of what I did to help my future self. If it helps anyone else – bonus. Initialise In an… Read more »

Recording an Android Screencast on Linux


I wanted to make a short video recording activity on an Android device while on a Linux Mint desktop. To do so I did the following: Install Java if you do not already have it installed. Install the Android debugger (if not already installed): sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb Check that your Android device allows USB… Read more »

Configure Java Security Settings on Linux

I received the following error message when trying to run a Java JNLP file: Application Blocked by Security Settings Your security settings have blocked a self-signed application from running Assuming I trust the program I found I could get it to run by amending the Java Security Policy: Amending the Java Security Policy The first… Read more »

Slurm & Environment Modules Bash Error

I had the following error message when trying to assign a job via Slurm (with Environment Modules installed). Since this has come up a few times for me I thought I would detail the solution: bash: BASH_FUNC_module(): line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `)’ bash: BASH_FUNC_module(): line 0: `BASH_FUNC_module() () {  eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd bash… Read more »

Multisite DokuWiki Install

I wanted to be able to install DokuWiki with a single code base serving multiple wikis. This would have several advantages especially making updates easier. There are a variety of ways of doing this, and thus a variety of instructions around the web. I used the instructions here and this is what I did. For… Read more »

Beginning MongoDB


Coming at MongoDB from a RDMS perspective (and specifically MySQL), things feel a little strange. Just sharing a few paragraphs on how I got started. Installation Installing MongoDB was easy following their instructions and using the 10gen repo for CentOS. After installation the mongo client can be used to access the server without any authentication… Read more »

Munstrap for Munin

Alternative Munin Template

Warm fuzzy feeling inside when you get emails like this: I had recently added my Munstrap template to the munin-contrib repository and had been talking to Steve about the template much earlier. Munstrap was based on Bootstrap and other interested people contributed to (and forked) my Github repo to improve Munstrap. Great to see a… Read more »

Intel Xeon Phi Co-Processor Setup

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Introduction Just adding my notes here in case it helps anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation to me.I have two machines each with an Intel Xeon Phi Co-Processor board. This (in my basic view of the world) is like an extra machine inside the host machine but contains 240 processors clocking in… Read more »