Shell Script Example Squid Logs

I was trying to explain to a colleague a few days ago how a few shell commands can be really useful, when today I came across an example to try to illustrate. My problem was that I had 245 log files each about 70-80MB in size – roughly 4 million lines in each log file. Each line in the log file uses the following (squid) format:

1378297522.050      4 TCP_MISS/200 2600 GET 12586072 DIRECT/ text/html

Now my problem was that I wanted to examine or graph the number of unique IP addresses seen in each log file per day to give me a rough idea of how many computers have been using the service each day. The reasoning is that I want to check the effect of new computer deployments.

So to get the number of distinct IP addresses per day – a simple shell script and I have csv values I can import into a spreadsheet to graph.

MONTHS=("01" "02" "03" "04" "05" "06" "07" "08")
for MONTH in ${MONTHS[*]}
for DAY in `seq -w 01 31`
if [ -f $DIR"/access_2013"$MYDATE"_combined.log.gz" ]
UNIQUE_IPS_SEEN=`zcat $DIR"/access_2013"$MYDATE"_combined.log.gz" | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq | wc -l`

So I reckon it would be hard to find a quicker, friendlier way to solve that problem.

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