We had an Exchange user with message items appearing in her OWA outbox but which did not display in Outlook. Attempts to delete these items failed and the items kept re-appearing in the OWA outbox possibly indicating some sort of corruption of these... » More
Attempting to move a mailbox from one database to another and received the following error:The address list service on the server 'SERVERNAME' is not running. The Exchange server address list service failed to respond.Solution: The 'Microsoft Exchange... » More
Motivation Parental Control / Protecting my kids from some of the nastier stuff on the web is my motivation. On M$ Windows there are commercial offerings such as NetNanny. On Linux I had briefly tested and used Squid with DansGuardian - likely more... » More
For future reference:echo "This does not give \n a new line"does not work. I had used printf sometimes but the -e switch also works for echo:echo -e "This gives \n a new line"
I was using a for loop to read the filenames in a directory but received errors on files with spaces in the names. For future reference the following worked:#!/bin/bashls -1 | while read FILE; do echo "$FILE" # double quotes needed for filename with... » More
I doubt this will be of any help to anyone else but for future reference.Problem:A content management system writes the URLs in <a> tags with a path e.g.:/sites/mysite/AboutUsbut the customer wants the addressbar to show... » More
I was copying some photos from my wife's Fuji camera when the photos disappeared from view - obviously not something I caused!Anyway after the initial panic I found PhotoRec which can be downloaded from the CG security website or can be installed on... » More