Items Stuck in OWA Outbox

We had an Exchange user with message items appearing in her OWA outbox but which did not display in Outlook. Attempts to delete these items failed and the items kept re-appearing in the OWA outbox possibly indicating some sort of corruption of these... » More

echo with new lines

For future reference:echo "This does not give \n a new line"does not work. I had used printf sometimes but the -e switch also works for echo:echo -e "This gives \n a new line"

Gimp and Layer Styles

Great guide here about using photoshop plug-ins in gimp, installing Layer Styles plug-in (Drop Shadows, Glows etc) in gimp and more.

Shell Script Spaces in Filenames

I was using a for loop to read the filenames in a directory but received errors on files with spaces in the names. For future reference the following worked:#!/bin/bashls -1 | while read FILE; do echo "$FILE" # double quotes needed for filename with... » More

htaccess symlink problem

I doubt this will be of any help to anyone else but for future reference.Problem:A content management system writes the URLs in <a> tags with a path e.g.:/sites/mysite/AboutUsbut the customer wants the addressbar to show... » More

PhotoRec Easy Linux File Recovery

I was copying some photos from my wife's Fuji camera when the photos disappeared from view - obviously not something I caused!Anyway after the initial panic I found PhotoRec which can be downloaded from the CG security website or can be installed on... » More

WordPress Theme Tutorial

This tutorial is useful for converting an existing design to a WordPress theme quickly:

Uptime Update

Availability Report year to date: 99.991%Unfortunately a reboot is necessary for a kernel update.