Debugging PHP Errors

To debug PHP without having to amend the php.ini for all websites add the following in a .htaccess file in the directory of the application. Easy to switch on and off:php_value display_errors 1php_value display_startup_errors 1orphp_flag display_errors... » More

Wii WBFS on Ubuntu

I could not find a way to reduce thee size of a WBFS partition (although there is surely someone working on this) so...To delete, resize partitions use Gparted as normal and create some empty space. To create (initialise) new WBFS partitions in... » More

Proftpd mod_tls and Jscape FTP applet

Recent problem with a Proftpd server configuration on Red Hat/Centos. I had configured mod_tls but on this newer version of the module I had to add the following lines to my proftpd.conf file for the JScape FTP applet to work with:Connection Type FTP/SSL... » More

Ubuntu Convert YouTube Video to MP3

Having recently heard an acoustic version of VV Brown's Shark in the Water I wanted an audio file I could listen to until it is released in 2 weeks. There was an acoustic version in a London Cab on Youtube so:I grabbed the youtube video using youtube-dl... » More

Install LAMP on Ubuntu

For local development to install Apache, MySQL, PHP:apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql phpmyadminConfiguration files are in /etc e.g./etc/apache2/etc/php5/etc/mysql/etc/phpmyadminDeamons are started by... » More

cp: overwrite – force yes

Getting a bit peeved with the copy command prompting to overwrite files.cp -rf ./* ./another/location/cp: overwrite `/filename.conf'? yThe '-i' interactive option is obviously aliases into the copy command on Centos (even the -f option was not overriding... » More

Extracting ISO files

Needing to extract the contents of a CentOS iso file so that it could be used to http / kickstart installs:mkdir tmp_mntmkdir ./5.3mount -o loop ./CentOS-5.3-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso ./tmp_mntcp -R ./tmp_mnt/* ./5.3

Grepping MailboxFolderStatistics

I am trying to get the the mailbox folder sizes for a user with many folders. Wouldn't it be great if I could just:get-mailboxfolderstatistics USER | grep "foldernamepattern" | ftObviously this does not work so:Get-MailboxFolderStatistics USER | Where {... » More