Ubuntu Bibble libstdc++5

Error while trying to install Bibble 4:Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libstdc++5Got the DEB file from:http://packages.debian.org/stable/base/libstdc++5And the Bibble installer now works :-)

Join AVI video files

Install mencoder if not already installed and at the command line:mencoder *.avi -o joined.avi -ovc copy -oac copy

UNR on the eeepc

Installed the Ubuntu Netbook Remix on the 7" eeepc by downloading the iso then running System > Administration > Startup Disk Creator then pointing it at the iso I downloaded and set the disk to a USB pen drive. Booted from the USB disk and then... » More

Lightning for 64-bit Linux

Lightning Calendar for Thunderbird on 64-bit Linux (Ubuntu) can be downloaded from here:ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/calendar/lightning/releases/1.0b1/contrib/linux-x86_64/Doesn#t seem to appear on the official download page :-(

Lost Grub on Ubuntu 10.04 Upgrade

Oops chose the wrong disk for grub while upgrading and system wouldn't boot. Inserted the Super Grub Disk I keep handy for such eventualities and this allowed me to boot into Ubuntu 10.04.At the command-line I then entered:sudo grub-install /dev/sdbI had... » More

VirtualBox Cloning a Virtual Machine

For future referencecp mymachine.vdi mynewmachine.vdi won't work due o the uuid of the disk so ....cd ~/.VirtualBox/HardDisksVBoxManage clonevdi mymachine.vdi mynewmachine.vdi Then go through the steps of creating a new machine but specify the new vdi... » More

Mail Server Uptime Wow!

They don't make Windows servers like this! Up for 848 days and going strong. For anyone interested this is a Slackware machine in a MTA role.

jQuery Zebra Stripes

Traditionally I added these tiger/zebra stripes for alternate row colours within PHP but with jQuery we can accomplish the same with the following. I had a little difficulty getting the rollover to work initially until I worked out that I needed to... » More