So I wanted to create screenshots of my HTC Hero Android phone from my Ubuntu desktop. So I ... downloaded and extracted the android sdk to e.g. ~/programs cd into the ./tools directory run the ./android program Install any version specific... » More
Armed with a few RPMs I need to install on multiple machines and sick of SCP'ing files around machines I decided to set up a Yum repository. Here's how: On a machine that already has Apache running and serving content: yum install createrepo cd... » More
There is a web page created by someone else containing figures I would like to use to draw some graphs in Munin. The HTML in that page is a bit ugly and looks like: <TR ALIGN = "Center"> <TD ALIGN = "Left" WIDTH = "49%" BGCOLOR =... » More
Todays installment in the Adventures of Squid Sandwich: Forwarding loop detected WARNING: Forwarding loop detected for: in /var/log/squid/cache.log Since I am using a DansGuardian sandwich with Squid for bread I set the unique_hostname... » More
On Linux to discover which processes are using all the swap run top press 'O' (capital letter o) then 'p' then 'enter' Processes should be sorted by their swap usage.As shown in the screen below the minilogd process is using all the swap... » More
Since I like posting screeshots of uptime figures here is one of an anti-spam machine up for 1496 days (just over 4 years). The machine is running Red Hat 4.
It's free - it came with my computer Love them or hate them Microsoft are effective in business. One of their methods of peddling their product is to ensure that all dealers supply their product by default and bully the dealer if they try to supply a... » More
Pareto's Principal, also known as the 80/20 rule, this principle holds that for any given event, 80% of the results come from 20% of the activity. For example, if you subscribe to Pareto’s Principle, then you probably believe that 8o% of the work in... » More
There are several different commands that can be used to install Apache and MySQL services with PHP support: sudo apt-get install tasksel && sudo tasksel sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5... » More
I was asked to check out Gephi with the aim of visualizing Twitter and Facebook social networks. I installed Gephi on Ubuntu using the following (PPA): sudo apt-add-repository ppa:rockclimb/gephi-daily sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install... » More