Posts Categorized: linux

VirtualBox Cloning a Virtual Machine

For future reference cp mymachine.vdi mynewmachine.vdi won’t work due o the uuid of the disk so …. cd ~/.VirtualBox/HardDisksVBoxManage clonevdi mymachine.vdi mynewmachine.vdi Then go through the steps of creating a new machine but specify the new vdi image as the disk rather than creating a new one.

Mounting FTP on Ubuntu

Install CurlFtpFS with: sudo apt-get install curlftpfs Mount an FTP site with: sudo curlftpfs -o user=myuser:mypass ftp://ftp.domain.tld ./mylocaldirsudo ls ./mylocaldirsudo fusermount -u ./mylocaldir Or add it to the fstab: mkdir /media/myftpsite && chown myuser:mysuer /media/myftpsitevi /etc/fstab Add the following line at the end of the file: curlftpfs#ftp.domain.tld /media/myftpsite fuse rw,uid=1000,user,noauto 0 0 Then under the… Read more »

IntegraTUM Web Disk

I decided to test IntegraTUM Web Disk which can provide a web interface to Samba shares, and just to get a demo working I did the following – these are not necessarily the best options for actual deployment.The first problem I had with this app was setting the tmp directory and I eventually used:                <param-name>uploadpath</param-name>               … Read more »


Certwatch checks for Apache certificates which are due to expire. By default on Red Hat / Centos there is a cron job in /etc/cron.daily which runs and sends its output to root. To configure it: vi /etc/sysconfig/httpd Add a line such as: CERTWATCH_OPTS=”–period 30 –address my.user@domain.tld” It is also possible to switch it off with:… Read more »

Red Hat up2date Subscription

If the Red Hat subscription expires. Edit the following file: /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources Comment out the following line: up2date default Then add this line: yum dag$ARCH/dag


When using SSL connections ot an ldap server (active directory) the ldap functions worked with non-SSL connections but not with ldaps connections. I believe this is because I was using the hostname of the LDAP server rather than the service name and thus the SSL certificate did not match the server name I was using…. Read more »

Grub 2 Windows 7

I had initially installed Windows 7 then Ubuntu 9.10 on a singe SATA disk. Later I added an IDE disk and plugged in the SATA DVD drive and can no longer boot into Windows 7, with the error: error: invalid signaturePress any key to continue.. Back in Ubuntu I could see that my inital SATA… Read more »

Debian chkconfig

On Debian-based systems adding a script to runlevels is accomplished with the following (assuming you have the script in /etc/init.d): update-rc.d -f myservicename start 80 2 3 4 5 . stop 30 0 1 6 . The priority (80 for start and 30 forstop) is set and the runlevels (starting in 2 3 4 5… Read more »

Website Statistics with Visitors

As a useful addition to the webstats armory Visitors offers a quick way of getting a HTML report of site usage from server logs. We mainly use AWstats, Webalizer and Analytics products (Google Analytics, Piwik) but I found Visitors useful today. Install from Synaptic or with: sudo apt-get install visitors Then run it against your… Read more »

Easy Peasy on the eeepc

I decided to have a play installing Easy Peasy on the 7″ eeepc I borrowed from my sister.Setting it up was quite easy:1. Download the iso (at a whopping 800Mb)2. Download the helper script, make it executable and run it3. Choose the iso and specify a USB drive to install the easy peasy live distribution… Read more »