Firefox Windows 7 and Linux proxy.pac

Had a problem today with Firefox on Windows 7 and Firefox on Linux. Upon reading our proxy.pac (wpad) file the if statements were not working:

if(isInNet(myIpAddress(), “”,”″))

According to this post on Mozilla the problem is due to how FF/Win7 reports the ipv6 address, rather than the ipv4 version. So the solution was to add the CIDR version too e.g.

isInNet(myIpAddress(), “”, “”) ||
isInNet(myIpAddress(), “”, “/23”) || 

Order has been restored!

4 Responses to “Firefox Windows 7 and Linux proxy.pac”

  1. Lieven

    I tried this solution but didn’t work for me.
    The relevant code in my .pac script:

    function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
    var proxy_a = “PROXY server1.lab.local:3128”;
    var proxy_b = “PROXY server2.lab.local:3128”;
    var proxy_no = “DIRECT”;

    if (isResolvable(host)) { ip = dnsResolve(host); }
    if (isInNet(ip, “”, “”)) { return proxy_no; }
    if (isInNet(ip, “”, “”)) { return proxy_no; }

    myip = myIpAddress();
    if (isInNet(myip, “”, “”) || (isInNet(myip, “”, “/24”)) { return proxy_a; }
    if (isInNet(myip, “”, “”)) { return proxy_b; }

    • Antman

      Line 11 of your .pac script has too many left brackets. Try:

      if (isInNet(myip, “″, “″) || isInNet(myip, “″, “/24″)) { return proxy_a; }


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