Grub 2 Windows 7

I had initially installed Windows 7 then Ubuntu 9.10 on a singe SATA disk. Later I added an IDE disk and plugged in the SATA DVD drive and can no longer boot into Windows 7, with the error:

error: invalid signature
Press any key to continue..

Back in Ubuntu I could see that my inital SATA disk was now sdb with the IDE disk as sda – I think this is where my problem stemmed from. So I tried:

sudo update-grub

and received errors such as:

Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sdb1
grub-probe: error: Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1.  Check your

So then I tried:

sudo grub-install /dev/sdb –recheck

Which seemed pretty successful and re-running:

sudo update-grub

Successfully built the menu again with no errors. So I rebooted and …. success!
Useful info about Grub 2 here and here.

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