Replacing Google Reader with Tiny Tiny RSS

I followed the installation instructions on the Tiny Tiny RSS website – downloading and extracting the tar file, importing the SQL into MySQL

mysql -u root -pTopSecret --database reader < ./schema/ttrss_schema_mysql.sql

Copy the dist config file to config.php and edited it with the database details then visited the URL. I then allowed writing to the specified directories but I had a problem with:
php.ini: open_basedir is not supported
So as described at: I disabled the check for open_basedir in ./include/sanity_check.php

I next visited Actions > Preferences. Then choose the ‘Plugins’ tab on that page – it is a little difficult to notice:

Tiny RSS Plugins


After enabling the Import/Export plugin I visited the Feeds tab – again look to the bottom of the page for the ‘OPML’ heading – it is easy to miss. I uploaded the subscriptions.xml file from my Google Reader Takeout file but received an error saying:

Exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerHTML' of null
Function: opmlImportComplete()
TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerHTML' of null
at opmlImportComplete (
at HTMLIFrameElement.onload (


Again to the rescue – the error is not fatal. If you ignore it and check the ‘Feeds’ tab up above your feeds should have been imported successfully.

I added a cron job as follows:

*/30 * * * * cd /www/path/httpdocs && /usr/bin/php /www/path/httpdocs/update.php -feeds > /dev/null 2>&1

Ran it manually first and re-visited the homepage to see my feeds:

Tiny Tiny RSS


Roughly one hour later and happy 🙂

Next to investigate is the Android Apps – but the official one costs a few dollars.

One Response to “Replacing Google Reader with Tiny Tiny RSS”

  1. Jan

    Glad my own experience helped you. As for the android app: I use the other one (by Nils Braden) and am quite happy with it.


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