Android Emulator: Getting Started

Like a virtual machine for running a version of Android,  the Android emulator is useful for testing. I used it to check how websites looked under Android.

After installing the Android SDK run the ./android binary in the ‘tools’ directory and install some versions of Android.

Android SDK install versions of Android

Then from the menu bar choose Tools > Manage AVDs > New …

Android SDK create AVD virtual machine

Create the new AVD

Then back at the command line run the ./emulator binary in the ‘tools’ directory with the name of the AVD you created i.e.

./emulator -avd 5inchMobileJelly

Android Emulator


  • It may be necessary to chmod +x ./android ./emulator* to make sure all the binaries in the tools directory are executable.
  • You can find the location of where your AVD is stored on disk by clicking the Details button when managing AVDs


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