I had difficulty trying to install Ubuntu 7.04 Fiesty Fawn on a new Novatech Laptop. The laptop uses an ATI Radeon x1600 graphics processor. When starting the LiveCD Ubuntu stops as it is unable to start x.
This problem seems to have been introduced in an Alpha version of Feisty and is not yet resolved. There could be a lot of people experience this problem and could result in a (unwarranted IMHO) negative impression of Ubuntu.
The solution I came across was on the Ubuntu Forums and a post by Zarmando:
Also, one could just use the Live CD if access to internet is possible (which should be, in most cases). Whe X crashes, just go back to the command line and write (one line at a time, then press “enter”):
sudo -s -H
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx
sudo aticonfig --initial
startxThen, just experience the LIVE CD… And go to the install proces with the install Icon in the menus, somewhere…
I needed to do this both on the Live CD and after installing.