I’m just recording some notes here on the steps I took to run a Minecraft (Spigot) server on a CentOS 7 server. Install Pre-requisites yum install git python-twisted-core python-psutil python-urwid python-twisted-web screen Get Java You could try using OpenJDK with yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk Or visit the Oracle website agree to the license agreement and download the jdk-8u131-linux-x64.rpm file. Copy that file to your… Read more »
Just some instructions to remind myself how I got the Minecraft Overviewer working on CentOS. wget http://overviewer.org/builds/el6-64/7/overviewer-0.12.109.rpm yum install overviewer-0.12.109.rpm VERSION=1.9 wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/${VERSION}/${VERSION}.jar -P ~/.minecraft/versions/${VERSION}/ Now create a config file to tell Overviewer where the assets (texture images etc) are: vi overviewer_config texturepath = “/home/jonny/.minecraft/versions/1.9/1.9.jar” Then run Overviewer telling it the location of your config… Read more »
I downloaded the minecraft server package and extracted it to /opt/minecraft I installed screen and Java (OpenJDK) using yum as follows: yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk screen The SysV init startup scripts provided on the Wiki didn’t work for me so I cobbled the following together which works for me. Anyone else wishing to use this should… Read more »