So I want to be able to test web access from outside our network. On my private server I have Squid running on port 3128 so:ssh -L 3128:localhost:3128 jonny@myprivateserver.comThen I can configure Firefox (with FoxyProxy) to use localhost port 3128 as a... » More
To manually block an IP address accessing ProFTPd you can use the following in the ProFTPd config file:<Limit LOGIN>Order deny,allowDeny from from all</Limit></Global>Of course it would be better to use IPtables... » More
On Ubuntu install binchunker with:sudo apt-get install bchunkThen create the iso at the command-line with the following:bchunk myfile.bin myfile.cue newfile.isoMore info here
A roundup of my top top utilities for troubleshooting problems on servers.htopIn terms of alternatives to the traditional top command htop is pretty good (being better than the older atop too). Maybe it is just the colours but it is also useful to get a... » More
Smbclient operates like a command-line ftp client which allows sending commands to the samba server. The following syntax worked for me:/usr/bin/smbclient '//anotherserver/myshare' -D 'mydirectory/' -c 'mkdir "testlog5"' -U 'myusername%mypass'I got a bit... » More
The previous version of get_iplayer had stopped working for me but there is still people updating this script. Get it here:
Download the Android SDK: the Path to the SDK Tools:export PATH=${PATH}:<your_sdk_dir>/toolsRun ddms:# ddmsConnect your Android device by USB and choose the 'Sync' method of connection.Choose your Device fromĀ ... » More
Download the WineTricks script from here: it executable and then move it to /usr/bin or /usr/local/binRun it and a GUI will appear to tick the stuff you need e.g. 7zip, AdobeAIR, mono, corefonts and many more