I was trying to move some miscellaneous music files into directories by artist name. The files (and folders) have spaces in the file names. For my first attempt I tries a for loop e.g. for file in $(find /path/to/music -type f); do ... done A for... » More
We had this discussion over coffee one day so to back up my argument with a few figures: 30 percent of food never makes it into a human stomach (UK's Government Office of Science, The Future of Food and Farming) Rising energy prices encourage the... » More
"It is further evidence of the fact that Android is getting ever huger. Microsoft has failed in attracting any serious interest from device makers, and now it's trying to spread 'fear, uncertainty, and doubt' about the Android platform in an attempt to... » More
This is a simple example usage of the jqPlot jQuery plugin. The example on the author website omits the “, {}” options in the .jqplot function call. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"... » More
These are the steps I took to create a centralised location of system logs. In this scenario multiple servers (earth, venus, mars) send their system logs to a central server (sun I'm not going to cover the configuration of Apache, MySql... » More
From info I found here. This is how to flush the local client DNS cache.
ipconfig /flushdns
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
lookupd -flushcache
Today I wanted to create a straight-forward MySQL Proxy service which would forward MySQL queries from a development machine to another live server which was running MySQL. The aim was to allow people on the development machine to use the same connection... » More
Video files can be converted using GUI tools such as Handbrake, Arista, WinFF but if you don't mind the command line - or if you want to automate video file conversion then the following examples might help:Convert to FLVffmpeg -i video.avi... » More
I needed to output the results of a MySQL query today for further analysis and found the answer here. For future reference...SELECT * FROM errors WHERE mailfrom LIKE 'a.n.other%' INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/a.n.other.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED... » More
The goals analysis in Piwik is a little limited in comparison with Google Analytics but the following plugin which is in development looks promising and of use already.http://dev.piwik.org/trac/ticket/220