Posts By: jonny

Powershell Scheduled Task

To run a powershell script from a scheduled task the following can be used: C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe “& ‘c:\scripts\Send-ExchangeServerSummary.ps1′”

Add Exchange Snapin to Windows Powershell

Trying to run exchange-specific commands in the windows powershell returns errors so to make the windows powershell aware of the exchange commands we need to add the appropriate snap in with: Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Powershell.Admin That line can be added at the top of any scheduled task powershell scheduled tasksimport use exchange commands in windows powershelladd… Read more »

Exchange 2007 Re-build Problem

We had a problem when re-building one of our client access / hub transport machines from scratch. The Exchange installation would not proceed as the machine existed before with the same hostname.To solve this we used the ADSI Edit snap-in in an MMC and: Right-clicked ADSI Edit and chose ‘Connect To’, then change the Naming… Read more »

Killing Memory Hogs

On an old server I temporarily added the following script as a cron job to find and kill processes using too much memory. This is just a stop gap until we get to the root of the problem. #!/bin/bashfor i in `ps -efl | grep “httpd” | awk ‘{ if ($10 > 16000) {print $4″… Read more »

Crontab -e returns a number

On a solaris system I sometimes try to edit the crontab file with crontab -e and all I get in return is a number (signifying the number of characters by the ed editor I believe). # crontab -e4025^C?The crontab file was not changed. I need to Ctrl-D to exit.To get the ball rolling again: EDITOR=vi;export… Read more »

MySQL: marked as crashed and should be repaired

I was receiving the following error message in a MySQL database. SQL Error: Table ‘./dbname/tablename’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired So first I tried: REPAIR TABLE `tablename`; However the table was still showing as crashed. Next I tried: mysqlcheck -r -u username -p databasename Which took some time as the database is… Read more »

MySQL Structure Backup

To backup / dump only the structure of a MySQL database (without the data) use the following: mysqldump -u root -p –no-data –all-databases > /var/struct_only.sql

Unix Timestamps and MySQL

Unix timestamps (the number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970) can be converted online at:http://www.unixtimestamp.comSome example dates:26 Feb 2006 19:37 114100066826 Feb 2007 19:37 117253662026 Feb 2008 19:37 120407262012 Aug 2007 12:00 1186934400I had cause to prune some old records from MySQL by unix timestamp, which I did with:USE `emaillog`;DELETE FROM `deliveries` WHERE timestamp<1186934400;19 million… Read more »

Plesk SMTP – domain isn’t in my list of allowed rcpthosts

553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)Reading I set the email server settings in Plesk as suggested. Then listed the server IP/32 in addition to in the white list. Making sure the servers IP and hostname are listed in the /etc/hosts file along with the loopback address

Exchange 2007 Receive Connector SCL Headers

Our Mailhubs set the following Mail header which is interpreted by MS Outlook when filtering messages to the JunkMail folder: X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SCL A score is assigned to this header based on analysis by SpamAssassin so this header will have the same value as X-Spam-Score. The default behavior for Exchange 2007 is to remove any pre-existing X-MS-Exchange… Read more »