To debug PHP without having to amend the php.ini for all websites add the following in a .htaccess file in the directory of the application. Easy to switch on and off: php_value display_errors 1php_value display_startup_errors 1 or php_flag display_errors onphp_value error_reporting 2039 More examples hereGood IBM article here about error reporting levels etc
Posts By: jonny
Printing Color Syntax Highlighted Code on Ubuntu
There are other ways to achieve this but I like this method.Using Komodo Edit – a free/open-source light code editor licensed under various licenses including GPL, LGPL, MPL.The source code can be downloaded from: by running: ./ To print colour syntax-highlighted code choose File > Print > Print to HTML file and choose a… Read more »
Wii WBFS on Ubuntu
I could not find a way to reduce thee size of a WBFS partition (although there is surely someone working on this) so…To delete, resize partitions use Gparted as normal and create some empty space. To create (initialise) new WBFS partitions in unallocated space use WBFS Manager details here. This tool also allows managing games… Read more »
Proftpd mod_tls and Jscape FTP applet
Recent problem with a Proftpd server configuration on Red Hat/Centos. I had configured mod_tls but on this newer version of the module I had to add the following lines to my proftpd.conf file for the JScape FTP applet to work with:Connection Type FTP/SSL (AUTH TLS) TLSProtocol SSLv23TLSOptions NoCertRequest I had been previously been using the… Read more »
Ubuntu Convert YouTube Video to MP3
Having recently heard an acoustic version of VV Brown’s Shark in the Water I wanted an audio file I could listen to until it is released in 2 weeks. There was an acoustic version in a London Cab on Youtube so: I grabbed the youtube video using youtube-dl (get it with Synaptic) youtube-dl “” I… Read more »
Install LAMP on Ubuntu
For local development to install Apache, MySQL, PHP: apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql phpmyadmin Configuration files are in /etc e.g./etc/apache2/etc/php5/etc/mysql/etc/phpmyadmin Deamons are started by default so just visit http://localhost An alternative is to use Tasksel: sudo tasksel install lamp-server
cp: overwrite – force yes
Getting a bit peeved with the copy command prompting to overwrite files. cp -rf ./* ./another/location/cp: overwrite `/filename.conf’? y The ‘-i’ interactive option is obviously aliases into the copy command on Centos (even the -f option was not overriding this for me) but a quick way of overriding the aliasing behaviour is to prefix the… Read more »
Extracting ISO files
Needing to extract the contents of a CentOS iso file so that it could be used to http / kickstart installs: mkdir tmp_mntmkdir ./5.3mount -o loop ./CentOS-5.3-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso ./tmp_mntcp -R ./tmp_mnt/* ./5.3
Grepping MailboxFolderStatistics
I am trying to get the the mailbox folder sizes for a user with many folders. Wouldn’t it be great if I could just: get-mailboxfolderstatistics USER | grep “foldernamepattern” | ft Obviously this does not work so: Get-MailboxFolderStatistics USER | Where { $_.Name -match “pattern*” } | sort -desc FolderSize | ft Name,ItemsInFolder,@{expression={$_.FolderSize.ToKB()};Label=”Folder Size (KB)”},@{expression={$_.FolderAndSubFolderSize.ToKB()};Label=”Folder… Read more »
Items Stuck in OWA Outbox
We had an Exchange user with message items appearing in her OWA outbox but which did not display in Outlook. Attempts to delete these items failed and the items kept re-appearing in the OWA outbox possibly indicating some sort of corruption of these items? Solution: Move the mailbox to another mailbox database setting the BadItem… Read more »