I was trying to shutdown an old solaris box with: shutdown now Obviously not the right thing to do as I got output similar to this: Shutdown started. Mon Oct 19 11:58:55 BST 2009Broadcast Message from root (pts/1) on apu Mon Oct 19 11:58:55…The system myhostname will be shut down in 1 minutenowrwall: Can’t send… Read more »
Posts By: jonny
Apache DirectoryMatch for Intranet-Style Access
I needed to ensure that within a rather large directory structure any directory named ‘intranet’ was only accessible by internal IP addresses. Although from a security perspective this is not truly intranet it can help protect some pages./var/www/vhosts/mydomain/httpdocs/ represents the DocumentRoot for the virtual host. This will protect /any/path/with/intranet/in/the/name – so intranet is in there… Read more »
Install RealPlayer on Ubuntu (9.04)
I wanted to try out Real Player on a radio station stream so … Visit: http://www.real.com/linux Click the Deb download link and Open with the GDebi Package Installer as prompted. The installer may pause so click the ‘Terminal’ arrow and type 1 then press enter Run Real Player from the menu ‘Sound & Video’
Easy Peasy on the eeepc
I decided to have a play installing Easy Peasy on the 7″ eeepc I borrowed from my sister.Setting it up was quite easy:1. Download the iso (at a whopping 800Mb)2. Download the helper script, make it executable and run it3. Choose the iso and specify a USB drive to install the easy peasy live distribution… Read more »
Shell Script: Search for Strings in Web Files
I used this shell script to search through some web directories for references to particular strings – just for future reference.The find command only greps in html, php and pdf files: the -o switch is an OR. #!/bin/bashPATHTOSEARCH=/path/to/webrootFIND=/usr/bin/findNICE=/bin/nicePATTERN=’Media,1234,en.pdf|Media,1235,en.pdf|Media,1236,en.pdf’ $NICE $FIND $PATHTOSEARCH -type f \( -name ‘*.html’ -o -name ‘*.php’ -o -name ‘*.htm’ -o -name ‘*.pdf’… Read more »
Shell Script: Search Apache Logs
This shell script is for future reference. Used to copy zip apache log files into a temporary directory by day/month. Log files are unzipped and then searched for the strings we are looking for. It could be tidied up! #!/bin/bashPATHTOLOGS=/mypath/to/logs/wwwWORKINGDIR=/tmplogsYEAR=2009MONTHS=(2009-01 2009-02 2009-03 2009-04 2009-05 2009-06 2009-07 2009-08 2009-09)for MONTH in ${MONTHS[@]}dofor LOGFILE in $(ls $PATHTOLOGS/$YEAR/$MONTH-??.access_log.gz)… Read more »
Example robots.txt
Not all crawlers obey all of these rules but as a reference point. The crawl delay is the number of seconds between requests and the newer request-rate is set here to not more than 1 every 5 seconds. The crawlers are also asked to visit during the night. User-agent: *Disallow: /media/Crawl-delay: 10Request-rate: 1/5Visit-time: 2100-0545
Printing Random Array Elements in PHP and Javascript
Non-dynamic tag cloud? <script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”> var mytags = new Array( “histories”,”names”, “land”,”lists”,”free” ); var randomseed=Math.floor(Math.random()*8) for(i=0;i<mytags.length;i++){ var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*141) randomnumber=randomnumber+40; if(randomnumber%randomseed!=0){ document.write(“<a style=’font-size:”+ randomnumber +”%;’>”+ mytags[i] + “</a> “); } } </script> <?php$input = array(“histories”,”names”, “land”,”lists”,”free”);$rand_keys = array_rand($input, 30);for($i;$i<30;$i++){$randomnumber=rand(40,181);echo “<a style=’font-size:”.$randomnumber.”%;’>”.$input[$rand_keys[$i]] . “</a>\n”;}?>
Apache LDAP Authentication to Active Directory
I was testing authentication against Active Directory (LDAP) using Apache 2. The following worked for me in a .htaccess file but only after adding: LDAPVerifyServerCert Off in the main httpd.conf file. I presume this is related to the server name in the SSL certificate on the Active Directory server. AuthBasicProvider ldapAuthzLDAPAuthoritative OffAuthLDAPURL ldaps://adserver.prefix.tld.co.uk:636/DC=prefix,DC=tld,DC=co,DC=uk?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)AuthLDAPBindDN “CN=someuser,OU=some ou,OU=another… Read more »
Windows 7
Having a look at Windows 7 and coming from using Ubuntu solidly for the last 4 years I find it just as irritating as Vista – but I need to give it a bit more time to form an unbiased opinion.From a personal perspective there are some things I prefer for my own usability: Quick… Read more »