I could not find a way to reduce thee size of a WBFS partition (although there is surely someone working on this) so…
To delete, resize partitions use Gparted as normal and create some empty space. To create (initialise) new WBFS partitions in unallocated space use WBFS Manager details here. This tool also allows managing games etc.
To delete, resize partitions use Gparted as normal and create some empty space. To create (initialise) new WBFS partitions in unallocated space use WBFS Manager details here. This tool also allows managing games etc.
- Download and extract the tar ball
- Install libglade2-dev with:
sudo apt-get install libglade2-dev - make
- sudo ./wbfs_gtk
Another GUI tool for adding game ISOs and copying games back from the WBFS partition is Wiithon. Install instructions here.
- sudo apt-get install bzr
- bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~wii.sceners.linux/wiithon/stable wiithon
- cd wiithon
- sudo make install_auto