Exporting Global Address List

I was thinking of trying to export/convert the Exchange Global Address List GAL so that I could then import this into other email client address books such as Evolution or Thunderbird. While it would be possible to do this with any language and running an LDAP search I happened upon the following micro$oft tools: csvde and ldifde
Looks like csvde exports to csv and ldifde to LDIF.
Using csvde:

csvde -m -f myoutputfile.csv -s myadserver.ads.domain.tld -d “DC=ads,DC=domain,DC=tld” -r “(memberOf=CN=Staff,OU=My Org,DC=ads,DC=ads,DC=domain,DC=tld)” -l  “givenName,sn,mail”

The command will use the credentials of the currently logged in user but these can be changed with the -b switch.
The ldifde command is used in the same way but will output in LDIF format.
If any further mangling of the data is required try awk, sed and grep.

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